Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rainy Days

When I first heard the weather report for today, all I heard was the temperature will be rising all the way up to 11 degrees and 'thought that sounds great'.  Later on when the radio station did the complete forecast they filled me in that it was also supposed to be rainy and windy, not so nice. 

Well, it's raining now, so there goes my idea of taking the kids to the library for Forever Family Storytime.  We won't have a car for a few more weeks and I don't fancy getting soaked walking there.  So now, I have to come up with something to keep them both occupied while I try to work, as Wallabygold Accessories has our first craft show this Saturday.

Here is my top ten list of what to do on rainy days, when you are trying to keep the kids out of your hair.

1. Build forts/castles - My kids love this and can do it for hours, just becomes very messy as my kids love to pull every toy they own inside, lol.
2. Build an Obstacle Course - Requires more supervision depending on the course you build, my kids are only 1 and 3 years so we tend to use pillows and other soft things
3. Read Stories - I love to read and luckily so do my kids :)
4. Put on some music and dance - doesn't matter what music, Hailey loves bopping to Lady Gaga
5. Bake some cookies and have kids help decorate them - I won't be doing that today as I have lots to do already, but I do plan to soon, as I think we would all enjoy that very much
6. Visit the Library - if we had a car that's what we would be doing today.
7. Dress up - give them clothes and hats for them to dress in and let that spark their imaginations
8. Get out the paints or crayons/markers - what kids doesn't love to draw?
9. Snuggle up with a movie - I don't recommend this for the whole day but for one movie is great.  You could really get into it with some air popped popcorn, dim the lights.
10. Bowling or tag - something to get kids moving a bit.  My kids love being chased so we quite enjoy a game of tag (just be prepared for them to be a little upset when you decide to stop).  For a little quieter activity you could set up bowling for them

P.S. Sorry just to let you know we had to start over with our facebook page so see box on the left of this blog to Like our new page.  Thanks

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